Perceived Value and the Art of Sales

Perceived Value and the Art of Sales

There’s a good, to fair chance I’m still in the doghouse for going, but Gary V alone was worth the price…

Success is a funny business, and it is a business.  If there is one thing this event taught me above all:  Success is a commodity, and as such, can be traded for cold, hard cash. 

Why Does My Business Need an Effective Social Media Strategy?

Why Does My Business Need an Effective Social Media Strategy?

There are so many social media “gurus” out there in the magical world of online marketing. Unfortunately most of them are full of piss and vinegar. How can you tell if your self-professed social media guru is full of shite? They use the word “Algorithm” a lot. They sprinkle “algorithm” into their explanations like candy falling from a Pinata. Which is an apt simile as at times you may want to hit them with a blunt object.